Text-only page from part i of Planetarium

The text-only versions of pages in Planetarium are provided to make it easy for you to print a puzzle, without having problems with background colour or graphics. Note that there may be essential parts of the puzzle in illustrations and other parts of Planetarium which are not included on this page.

The mathemagician’s riddle:

The mathemagician has a riddle:

To count on me you can depend,
But count me and you’ll never end!

but preferring to make things more confusing, he adds this, by way of some examples:

I’m hidden in the weights, but not the scales,
I’m there amongst the stones, but not the pebbles,
I occur in this event, but not the others,
I’m in the moon in ether, but not the sun in formaldehyde.

The solution to the mathemagician’s riddle is the keyword for part iv

Planetarium is presented by Beholder: www.beholder.uk
An on-line puzzle story in twelve weekly instalments